We know that moving into aged care can be challenging, and our team is here to help you
If you decide aged care is the right choice for you, there are steps you will need to take:
To determine whether you are eligible to move into an aged care home subsidised by the New Zealand Government, a needs assessment needs to be completed by your District Health Board (DHB) or by a Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) agency.
You can organise this through your doctor, hospital, social worker or other health provider. You can also contact your local DHB and ask to be put through to a Needs Assessment Service Coordinator, or choose your local NASC agency. They will assess your care needs and determine if you are eligible for government-funded services and, if so, which services. The assessment is essential for either permanent or respite residential care.
If your needs assessment determines that you need long-term care in a rest home, you may be eligible to receive a subsidy for your care.
The amount you pay when you move into Nazareth Care depends on the type of help you need, your financial situation and the services you receive. Once assessed, any costs you have to contribute to your care and accommodation will be outlined.
To apply for the Residential Care Subsidy your needs assessor will give you a Residential Care Subsidy form so you can apply to Work and Income (WINZ) for a financial means assessment.
If you are above the threshold for the Residential Care Subsidy, you may be able to apply for the Residential Care Loan. Read more about this option on the Ministry of Health website.
Once you have your assessment, you can arrange aged care home tours. You can find aged care homes in your area by visiting the Eldernet website. We recommend you visit homes in person to determine what is right for you.
We advise you seek independent financial advice to help make the right decisions as you move into aged care. Many financial advisors specialise in aged care matters.
Visit our Explanation of Costs & Fees for more information about the costs of moving into our home.
Before moving in, either permanently or for respite, you will need to sign a Resident Agreement. This Agreement is a legal document outlining the services provided, the fees you pay and your rights and responsibilities.
To find out how we can support you or to arrange a personal tour, contact the Nazareth Care team today on 03 374 1900.